Come in and celebrate National Dentist's Day with us by showing your pediatric dentists how you prioritize your...
Uncategorized Articles
Fever Blisters, Canker Sores, Lip Ties All Have One Fix
That's right, fever blisters, canker sores, and lip ties have one thing in common; they can be fixed by the treatment...
Make Valentine’s Day Sweet for Kids’ Teeth (In a Good Way)
Valentine’s Day is a holiday that comes every February 14th and it's traditionally all about love. For kids, this love...
Top Pediatric Dentistry FAQs From Parents: Here’s Your Answers
Parents have a lot of questions when it comes to taking their children to one of our four pediatric dental locations....
21 Pediatric Dental Tips for 2021: Help Your Kids With Good Oral Habits
The beginning of a new year is a good time for reflection, making plans, and making changes. It is also an opportunity...
Tooth Sensitivity and Winter Tooth Pain: The Whys and What to Dos
We're in the thick of a beautiful but cold Utah winter, and sometimes this time of year brings winter tooth pain....
Baby Teeth: Eruption Timeline and How to Care For Them
A baby's first tooth is a big deal. In fact, a baby's second and even third tooth eruptions are huge milestones not...
What Types of Cosmetic Dental Treatments are Available for Kids?
Are you curious about getting some cosmetic dental work done for your child? If you think your child might be a good...
What is a Tongue-Tie or Lip-Tie? How is it Treated?
Problems latching on. Painful nursing. Colic. Failure to thrive. Many of these problems can be caused by a tongue-tie...
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