Unlock the 7 Smile-tastic Services at Utah Pediatric Dentists

Unlock the 7 Smile-tastic Services at Utah Pediatric Dentists

At Utah Pediatric Dentists, our team is committed to creating a comfortable and kid-friendly environment while offering a comprehensive range of services to ensure your child’s smile stays healthy and bright. While our Sedation Dentistry and Frenectomy are among our standout services, we offer a variety of other essential treatments and care. Let’s explore each one!

Sedation Dentistry

At Utah Pediatric Dentists, we understand that a trip to the dentist’s office can sometimes make kids a bit anxious. That’s why we offer the magic of Sedation Dentistry – it’s like a dental fairytale come true! So, let’s dive into this enchanting world and see how it works.

Imagine getting a special potion, but instead of a magic spell, it’s a safe and calming medicine. We prescribe oral sedatives for kids who may be a tad nervous about dental procedures. Sometimes, these can be taken at home, like a secret bedtime elixir to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep before the big dental adventure. Or, they can be taken right before heading to our office, so your little hero arrives calm and ready to face the dental dragon! It’s perfect for those youngsters who might have trouble sitting still during their appointment.

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry: A Heroic Quest!

At Utah Pediatric Dentists, we’re on a mission to change the way kids see the dentist! Our dental wizards, also known as pediatric dentists, have undergone rigorous training (3-4 years extra!) and stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and potions for pediatric sedation dentistry. We offer three incredible sedation options right in our office:

  • Oral Sedation: A sprinkle of magic dust for a relaxed and awake experience.
  • Nitrous Oxide: The giggle gas that makes kids feel super comfy.
  • Intravenous Sedation: Taking a journey to the land of dreams.

We’re safety wizards too. We carefully consider your child’s medical history, and any medications, vitamins, or magical potions they’re currently taking. We then match it with their age and development to ensure the right dosage. 


Is your little one facing the challenge of a tongue tie or lip tie? This can lead to a series of issues, including difficulties with breastfeeding, picky eating in early childhood, digestive problems, improper jaw development, speech troubles, and even obstructive sleep apnea, especially in the case of tongue ties.

But fear not, intrepid parents! Utah Pediatric Dentists is here to set those smiles free and provide the solution your child needs through a pediatric laser lip tie or tongue tie treatment, also known as a frenectomy procedure. 

Laser Frenectomies: A Trustworthy Adventure

When it comes to laser frenectomy, parents, pediatricians, and lactation specialists trust our team of dentists to provide the safest and most effective treatments available in Bountiful, Taylorsville, and Herriman. Whether it’s an infant tongue tie or a lip tie in a baby, we have a wealth of experience in these procedures, and families often travel from far and wide for our safe and effective frenulum cut laser treatments.

But it’s not just that which sets us apart. We’ve invested in cutting-edge soft tissue dentistry equipment, including the CO2 laser from LightScalpel. This state-of-the-art technology ensures that your child’s frenectomy experience is as comfortable and seamless as possible.

CO2 Laser Frenectomy: Where Magic Meets Medicine

What makes CO2 laser frenectomy truly enchanting is the way it operates. Unlike diode lasers, which effectively “burn” the soft tissue away, our LightScalpel CO2 laser gently “vaporizes” the tissue. This means less discomfort for your child during the healing process, as it doesn’t damage surrounding tissues or generate excess heat.

The magic continues as the CO2 laser essentially “seals” the minor capillaries, reducing bleeding to a minimum or even eliminating it altogether. This sealing effect also helps to prevent infection, making CO2 laser frenectomy a safer and more comfortable option compared to traditional methods involving scissors or scalpels.

So, why put your child through unnecessary discomfort and risks when you can choose the magical world of CO2 laser frenectomy at Utah Pediatric Dentists? 

Dental Sealants

Prevention is key to maintaining a healthy smile. Dental sealants are a protective coating applied to your child’s molars and premolars. They act as a barrier against decay-causing bacteria, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene habits.

Picture this, your teeth are like brave knights guarding a castle (your mouth), and they wear special armor to protect themselves from the forces of decay and cavities. Now, let’s talk about the two types of armor in the dental kingdom: Sealants and Fillings!

In a nutshell, sealants are your knights’ invisibility cloaks, shielding them from harm, while fillings are the trusty blacksmiths who repair any battle damage. Sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces of your teeth, they’re all about prevention. So, Both are essential in the quest for a healthy, cavity-free smile!


A pulpotomy is a specialized treatment for deep cavities that have reached the pulp (nerve) of a baby tooth. Picture this, your tooth is a tiny castle with a secret treasure chamber deep within, and this treasure chamber is called the “pulp.” It’s where all the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels hang out. But here’s the twist: sometimes, nasty invaders called cavities try to sneak into the castle. They drill tiny holes in the castle walls (the enamel) and start causing trouble inside.

When your child’s tooth starts hurting and they complain about it, it’s like the tooth’s way of sending a distress signal to the kingdom. That’s when our heroic dentists step in! They become the knights in shining armor, ready to save the day with a “therapeutic pulpotomy.”

A pulpotomy is like a magical rescue mission inside the tooth. Our brave dentists journey into the castle (the tooth) to deal with the troublemakers (the cavities) and soothe the nerves. They fix everything up, making the tooth happy and pain-free again.


If your child has a severely damaged or decayed tooth, our dental crowns can restore its strength and function. Our pediatric dentists use crowns made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and a natural appearance.

So if your tooth is a tiny castle, and sometimes it faces dragon-sized problems like cavities or cracks. That’s when the dental wizards swoop in and craft a custom-made dental crown, like a magical helmet, to protect and strengthen your tooth. But the best part? Your tooth gets to choose the color and style, making it feel like a toothy superhero in its very own castle fashion show. With its new crown, your tooth is ready to rule the kingdom of your mouth, chewing, chomping, and smiling with confidence!

Composite Fillings

When cavities occur, our tooth-colored composite fillings are a perfect choice. These fillings are not only strong and durable but also blend seamlessly with the natural tooth color, ensuring an aesthetically pleasing result. As we mentioned above, think of fillings as the repair crew for your knights’ armor. Sometimes, despite their best efforts, the knights might get a little chink in their armor (a cavity). That’s when the dental wizards step in and use fillings to patch things up. 


Losing a tooth is like a rite of passage in the grand adventure of growing up! It’s like finding buried treasure in the backyard of childhood. When your child discovers a wiggly tooth, it’s like stumbling upon a hidden gem. They’ll wiggle and jiggle, and sometimes, they become little tooth explorers, helping that tooth become extra loose and ready to pop out. But sometimes—due to severe decay, infection, or crowding issues—teeth need a little nudge from the dental heroes at South Davis Pediatric Dentistry. 

So, bring your little wizards to Utah Pediatric Dentists, where smiles get a sprinkle of magic and dental adventures are always enchanting!

Unveiling the Magic of Dental Crowns: A Tale of Smiles and Protection

Unveiling the Magic of Dental Crowns: A Tale of Smiles and Protection

Unveiling the Magic of Dental Crowns: A Tale of Smiles and Protection

Once upon a time, in the enchanting kingdom of dental health, there lived a remarkable hero known as the Dental Crown. This noble protector took on the shape of a tooth, like a tailor crafting a custom-made suit, and placed itself over the tooth to shield it from any further harm or mischief. The secret to its strength lay in a magical process where tooth crown materials were mixed, molded, and hardened in a mysterious lab.

But the magic didn’t stop there! These crowns were designed to blend seamlessly with their neighboring teeth, much like chameleons changing their colors to match their surroundings. Porcelain crowns, in particular, had a unique advantage – they could be tinted to mimic the exact shade of nearby teeth. 

Dental Crown Wonders

Now, let’s embark on a quest to uncover the mystical procedure behind these dental crown wonders. It was a two-part adventure! In the first chapter, the tooth had to be prepared. This involved a dental wizard performing X-rays to understand the lay of the land. An impression of your child’s mouth was also taken as a magical map. Then, with the skill of a master craftsman, they filed the tooth, removing any damage and reshaping it to welcome the crown. Another impression was made, but this time, it was for the crown itself. A temporary crown was crafted for the tooth, ensuring it stayed safe until the permanent crown was ready in the lab.

The second chapter of this dental fairy tale was scheduled for when the crown was complete. The temporary crown was removed, and the tooth was given a thorough cleaning and preparation. The fit of the crown was double-checked to ensure it was a perfect match for the tooth. With a wave of their wand – or maybe just a dab of dental cement – the dental wizard placed the crown on the tooth and sealed it in place.

Now, you might ask, “Was this magical quest painful?” Fear not, for the dental wizards were experts in their endeavors. They applied magical local anesthesia to the area before beginning their work, ensuring there was no discomfort during the procedure. But they also knew that each hero (or in this case, patient) had a unique journey, filled with different emotions and fears. So, they offered four different sedation options, making sure that every child’s experience was tranquil and comfortable.

The Enchanted Journey of a Dental Crown’s Lifespan

In the mystical realm of dental health, where smiles sparkle like treasure, the lifespan of a dental crown is a tale filled with twists and turns. These magical crowns can grace a tooth for anywhere from five to 15 years or even longer, but their destiny is influenced by a host of factors.

In this enchanted realm, your actions are the key to a longer-lasting crown. Practicing proper dental hygiene, embarking on brave quests to the dentist for regular checkups, and indulging in professional cleanings are all within your control, ensuring that your child’s dental crown shines for years to come. But beware, for lurking in the shadows are foes that seek to shorten the crown’s journey. Teeth-grinding dragons, gum disease trolls, nail-biting ogres, jaw-clenching giants, and those who wield teeth as tools to open bottles and packages can all hasten the crown’s retreat.

Our quest, dear parents and young adventurers is to empower you with the knowledge to safeguard your child’s dental treasure. We beg you to forge healthy dental hygiene routines in your homes and to be mindful of the treacherous temptations that lurk in the form of sugary snacks, sodas, and juices.

Now, let us unveil the mystical world of Dental Crowns for Kids, where the path to dental restoration takes shape. In certain daring quests, when a child’s tooth is more perilously decayed or damaged than a composite filling or pulpotomy can mend, we may embark on a grand adventure with a dental crown.

Your Child’s Crowned Options: A Magical Choice

Here at South Davis Pediatric Dentistry, we offer two illustrious types of crowns, each with its own unique magic. Our arsenal includes the formidable stainless steel crowns and the elegant porcelain crowns.

The Mighty Stainless Steel Crown: Hidden Strength

When the tooth in question lies in the shadows, hidden from immediate view, we often call upon the mighty stainless steel crown. Its strength is legendary, capable of withstanding the mightiest of bites and chews. It guards the natural structure of the tooth and rarely falls prey to the chipping or cracking that plagues lesser crowns.

The Whimsical Porcelain Crown: Aesthetic Elegance

Yet, the metallic visage of the stainless steel crown may not be for all. Some adventurers seek a more aesthetically pleasing path, and for them, the porcelain crown is the answer. These elegant crowns wear a white, pearly visage, making them the favored choice for teeth that grace the frontlines of the smile battle.

And so, dear travelers in the realm of dental wonder, you are armed with the knowledge to make wise choices for your child’s oral adventures. Whether it’s the resilient strength of stainless steel or the enchanting elegance of porcelain, each crown holds its own magic, ready to protect and adorn their precious smiles.

The Post-Crown Dental Quest: Guarding the Treasures Within

In the kingdom of dental adventures, once your child’s tooth is graced with a gleaming dental crown, a new chapter of care begins. Fear not, for it’s a quest your child can embark upon with confidence!

First, a word of caution – for a few days, we recommend steering clear of sticky, chewy candies. Think of it as a grace period for the crown to settle into its new role as guardian of the tooth. But aside from this short candy hiatus, life should return to its usual rhythm.

Now, let us turn our attention to the heroic guardians of your child’s oral realm – the gums! The dental crown, valiant as it is, doesn’t extend its protection to the gum. So, like vigilant knights, we must ensure that healthy gums are safeguarded. This requires the continuation of a twice-daily routine: brushing with a fluoride toothpaste for a full two minutes and embarking on a daring quest of flossing at least once a day.

With these noble habits firmly in place, your child’s dental health shall flourish, and their smile will continue to shine brightly in the realm of dental wonders.

And so, dear adventurers in the world of dental enchantment, we’ve unveiled the mysteries of dental crowns and their noble quest to protect and beautify. Remember, as your child’s smile continues to sparkle, these dental treasures stand ready, guarding their precious teeth with unwavering valor. As you navigate the journey of oral health, may your child’s smile be as radiant as a dragon’s hoard, and may their dental adventures be filled with joy and wonder!

Use ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em: Don’t Lose Your 2022 Dental Benefits!

Use ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em: Don’t Lose Your 2022 Dental Benefits!

As we near the end of 2022, it’s a great time to get some last-minute dental checkups and make sure your mouth is ending the year in good shape too. A lot of Americans don’t realize that once that clock hits 12 o’clock midnight on December 31st, your dental insurance resets and you lose out on any insurance benefits you still had left. Keep in mind that your benefits don’t carry over to the next year, so if they expire, you’ve wasted all of your money paying premiums to the insurance provider. Not to mention that every year, the cost of all services, including dental care, is subject to inflation. This leaves many feeling like they missed out on much-needed dental care they could have used if only they knew how the system worked.

Even if you don’t require any dental work, why not schedule a dental checkup or cleaning? Your oral and general health depends on preventive dental care. Your dentist can spot dental problems early on during these routine visits before they can get worse. Early detection of dental problems may wind up saving you time and money. Everyone can benefit from a dental cleaning, so if using your plan to its fullest before January 1st involves making an appointment for one, so be it!

Considerations for Dental Insurance Coverage

Here are some factors that will motivate you to maximize your insurance coverage in 2022:

  • Preventive Care: The majority of health policies provide two free appointments for services like cleanings and exams. You still have time to make an appointment if you haven’t had both checkups this year.
  • Annual Maximum: Dental insurance policies frequently have a yearly maximum they are prepared to cover within a given calendar year. Although the exact sum varies, it is typically close to $1,000 per person. Since these unused benefits don’t carry over into the next year, it makes sense to use them if you require any restorative procedures.
  • Monthly Premiums: Regardless of how often you use the insurance plan, you must always pay a monthly fee. Don’t throw away the money you worked so hard for! Even if you don’t require dental care, it’s still crucial to maintain your monthly exam schedule.
  • Healthy Smile: Being proactive with preventive dental care is the cornerstone of a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. We will examine the condition of your teeth and gums at each of your routine cleanings. If early indications of gum disease, cavities, or other dental issues are found, we can then provide recommendations.
  • Dental Issues: If you are currently experiencing any dental problems that need to be treated, don’t put it off. Waiting to consult a dentist puts you at risk for a future procedure that is more extensive and costly. A little cavity is simple to heal right now, but if you don’t take care of it, it could develop into a root canal in the future.

Dental Recare Treatment

Suppose you have recently had any kind of dental treatment done like a root canal, cavity removal, wisdom tooth removal, or any type of treatment at all. In that case, recare appointments are essential in order for your dentist to observe and ensure that no infections or further damage are being done to your teeth/gums. As part of a treatment plan or after receiving dental care, dental recare procedures entail careful supervision of your oral health. Your dentist will examine you for any potential issues and perform any necessary remedies during these dental sessions. To ensure that you are recovering well, observations are also made on how your gums, teeth, and jawbones are mending. These recare appointments can be six months or even longer after you have had your treatment done, so there is no better time to have your practitioner take a look at your oral health once more before the year ends.

The American Dental Association pushes dentists to remind their patients about recare appointments, so if your dentist has been reminding you to come in for a recare session, we recommend you take them up on it and get everything checked out.

Why are Recare Sessions so Important?

As long as disease-causing bacteria are present, complications with dental procedures are possible. A dentist must regularly examine medical and dental issues to make sure they are being effectively addressed.

Recall or recare appointments that are skipped could result in worse dental issues, such as an infection spreading to other areas of the face and body. Neglect can occasionally result in potentially fatal illnesses like sepsis.

If you have periodontal disease, just had braces put in, or had root canal therapy, it’s crucial that you go in for a recare appointment as a lot can go wrong if you don’t. In cases like these, simply practicing good oral hygiene isn’t always enough. Missing or skipping a dental cleaning and braces adjustment could make your treatment plan take longer. Plaque accumulation in difficult-to-reach areas between the wires and your teeth can also cause tooth decay to advance. Now that most dental offices are open, schedule an appointment to prevent having your braces treatment extended.

Below the surface, a lot may happen to our teeth and gums. You can check your dental health and safeguard your overall health by keeping your recare appointments on time. The American Dental Association stresses the value of regular dental checkups during the pandemic. Dental procedures like cleanings and other oral interventions are essential for preserving our overall health. Your immune system, which protects you from viral infections like COVID-19, can be impacted by any illness that develops in your mouth.

It can be challenging to fit it all in with the approaching holiday season. We know how hectic your schedule can become, but this is a fantastic chance to put your health first. Call our office right away so we can book an appointment that works well with your busy schedule.

A Timeline of Your Child’s Dental Milestones

A Timeline of Your Child’s Dental Milestones

When they are young, children go through various developmental milestones. Some days, it seems like time moves very slowly when you’re a tired parent balancing so many duties. Other days, it seems as though your child is suddenly growing up way too fast for your liking, and you long for time to go slower in these situations. Children experience so many major life milestones! Have you ever thought about all the dental milestones that children can reach? How about what to expect? The specific timing for each child varies. However, the majority of kids should reach the following dental milestones:

Birth to One Year: Eruption of Baby Teeth

You might not be aware of it, but your baby’s primary teeth are starting to form in her jaw even before her first tooth erupts. By the time they turn one, most babies’ first teeth should start to erupt. The two bottom teeth are often the first to erupt.

Teething episodes can be difficult, but they can also be exciting since they show your baby is developing. Their new teeth will provide them access to a larger variety of foods and, eventually, facilitate verbal communication.

Age 1 – 3 Years: First Dental Visit

Your child’s teeth will be actively erupting throughout this time, and by the time she is three, her mouth will be completely filled with baby teeth. Now is the ideal time to schedule a dental appointment for your child if you haven’t already. Keep in mind that baby teeth do matter! They will help with speech development and hold space for the permanent teeth.

Your child should have a complete set of 20 baby teeth by the age of three, including four central incisors, four lateral incisors, four canines, and eight molars. But, well before this time, you can assist kids in developing healthy oral hygiene practices!

As soon as any teeth appear, begin daily brushing with a child’s toothbrush and toothpaste. Additionally, you can floss between their teeth daily. By doing this from an early age, they can become accustomed to and at ease with regular dental hygiene!

Age 5 or 6: First Tooth Lost

The next significant dental milestone is the loss of baby teeth and the emergence of permanent teeth. This is referred to as “mixed dentition” by your dentist. Around the age of five or six, it occurs. Your child will typically need six years to lose all of her baby teeth before her last set of adult teeth erupts (except the wisdom teeth). As a parent, you must constantly check on your kid to make sure she is cleaning her teeth at least twice a day. Encourage her and make sure it’s enjoyable for her instead of feeling like a job. Additionally, your child should now go twice a year for checkups and preventative treatment at the dentist.

Baby teeth that are lost will be replaced with adult teeth. Because the gums already have room for teeth to grow, this might occasionally cause some pain and discomfort, though not nearly as much as when they were still developing their baby teeth.

Age 12 to 13: Molar Eruption

All of your child’s typical adult teeth erupt around the age of 12 or 13, along with the 12-year molars. This time, there can be dental problems that require care, like overlap, crowding, or a bad bite. Braces may be required for your child’s treatment. Most children acquire braces between the ages of 12 and 13, but some dentists may advise an orthodontic evaluation as early as 7. Teenagers are well known for having poor eating habits. Your child may be able to understand how crucial good dental health is to their overall health as they approach this age. Strive to teach children this connection as a parent.

Age 13+: Wisdom Teeth

Most teenagers’ jaws won’t have enough room for their third teeth to erupt. In this case, they might need to be extracted in order to prevent issues down the road such as infection, pain, and movement of neighboring teeth. You may be referred to an oral surgeon by your dentist. Your child’s orthodontist will monitor these teeth if he or she has worn braces by obtaining specialized x-rays. The orthodontist may execute the procedure himself if he is qualified. However, some fortunate patients never develop wisdom teeth or never require removal.

Your child should have 28 adult teeth by the time they are 12 or 13 years old, including four central incisors, four lateral incisors, four canines, eight premolars, and eight molars. They may still have 1-4 wisdom teeth, which are extra molars that erupt between the ages of 17 and 26.

By regularly brushing and flossing their teeth, drinking lots of water, eating a balanced diet, and coming to our clinic for regular professional cleanings, they may maintain excellent oral health. If your child participates in sports, they should wear a sports mouthguard to protect their teeth.

There are a number of developmental dental milestones that children will experience throughout their childhood up until their young adult lives. They will develop baby teeth, lose them, then grow adult teeth, possibly requiring wisdom tooth extraction. Children should visit a dentist for a checkup at least once a year, regardless of their dental health or stage of development.

We take great pride in serving patients of all ages, including children, in our many offices. Remember that kids might accomplish their dental milestones earlier or later than the listed ages and still have fantastic oral health! Please get in touch with us right away if you have any concerns about your child’s dental development or inquiries about our services.

Why Children Chew on Everything and What They Should Chew on Instead

Why Children Chew on Everything and What They Should Chew on Instead

Any parent or guardian with kids, remembers the scary toddler phase where everything in reach is on their non-discerning mental list of things to chew on. The phase when they pick up everything, and to learn about it, they pop it into their mouth. Little toys, scraps of forgotten food that fell off the table at mealtime, a rubber band. Anything. We all breathe easier when that phase passes. And yet, as our kids get older, some of them continue chewing on things. You might catch them chewing on a pencil, or a pen. Biting nails is a common occurrence, and crunching ice also seems popular. Maybe the neckline or cuff of their shirtsleeve seems to be irresistible. That last one can really have parents wondering, “what causes a child to chew on clothes?”

Why Do They Chew on Stuff?

There are a variety of reasons behind kids chewing on non-food things, some reasons include:

Anxiety or stress – the act of chewing as a soothing activity goes back to the days of being a baby when sucking was an act to self soothe.
Sensory needs – chewing is relatively common as a soothing activity for children with sensory issues.
Concentration – the repetition of chewing can help focus and block outside distractions
Habit – chewing can be a habit born of boredom and convenience because there is always something available to chew on (pencils, clothing, hair, etc.)

Is Chewing Bad?

The act of chewing is not in and of itself a bad thing. Chewing stimulates the flow of saliva in your mouth. Saliva is the frontline defense in your mouth against tooth decay and plaque. According to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), “Saliva contains important elements such as bicarbonate, calcium, and phosphate. They not only neutralize plaque acids, but also help repair early tooth damage and decay.”

Problems come into play with chewing when the object being chewed is a non-food item. We then can become concerned for safety (choking hazards), concerned for what is socially acceptable (wet shirt sleeves or torn bloody fingernails), and concerned for the health of their teeth (cracked or chipped tooth or a loose dental filling).

Does Ice Count as a Non-Food Item?

Chewing ice is a common habit among kids, teens, and adults. And it is unequivocally, a bad habit. Ice is very hard and possesses the ability to crack or chip your teeth. Our composite fillings that we use on teeth that have cavities can have lifespans of up to ten years or more when properly cared for, but are vulnerable to damage caused from habitually chewing ice. It is painful to lose a filling and usually means an immediate trip to the dentist for replacement. Additionally, any brackets or retainer wires can be dislodged from teeth and damaged by chewing ice. We don’t want that for your kid any more than you do.

How Should You Respond When You See Your Child Chewing Non-Food Items or Ice?

Keep in mind that their chewing habit may not be a conscious one. Do they do it when they seem nervous or stressed? Do they have other sensory issues? Try to point out the habit without judgment and resist any inclination to shame them from doing it. Shaming the habit could lead them to hide it from you but continue the behavior or do it as a form of rebellion. If you believe it to be a sensory issue, consult with their pediatrician. If it is a soothing technique for stress or anxiety, consider talking to them about other coping techniques or consult their pediatrician or school guidance counselor. Provide your child with age appropriate information about the dangers of chewing on non-food items and ice.

Is Chewing Gum Bad?

Chewing gum can be good for your child’s dental hygiene after meals. There are, however, qualifiers. Firstly, if your child has braces or a retainer or TMJ disorder, then chewing gum is a bad idea. The gum will stick to the hardware and be not only a pain to get cleaned but can damage the wires or brackets. For kids with TMJ disorder, chewing gum can cause more frequent headaches and jaw pain. Secondly, the gum must be sugarless.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), “Research shows that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals can help prevent tooth decay. That is because the act of chewing increases the flow of saliva in your mouth, which helps neutralize and wash away cavity-causing acids and bacteria. Over time, acids can wear away tooth enamel, creating ideal conditions for decay. Look for chewing gum with the ADA Seal to be sure it can help prevent cavities.”

For Your Kids Who Like to Chew

If you have a kid that likes to chew on things, consider serving up crunchy snacks. Carrot sticks, celery sticks, and crunchy apple slices are healthy snacks that can satisfy the chewing urge. Nuts are also a great snack. Read our blog post Do-Eats and Don’t-Eats for Kids to Promote Healthy Teeth for more ideas about healthy snacks, and to read about why some of those crunchy foods are also good for teeth.

But Wait!

Yes, we are saying chewing sugarless gum can help with dental hygiene but it in no way should be used as a substitute for brushing and flossing! Morning and nighttime routines of brushing for two minutes and flossing at least once daily are vital to your child having a healthy smile.