Why Are My Child’s Teeth Coming in Yellow?

Why Are My Child’s Teeth Coming in Yellow?

How many of you have kids with a wide toothless gap in their smiles? It’s such a fun rite of passage for kids as they discover a loose tooth and wiggly wiggle it until it falls out. Taking bites can become a bit of a challenge again, particularly if they’ve lost more than one front tooth at a time. Apples, pizza, corn on the cob; all fun foods that they’ve mastered by this age and yet once again you’re likely having to cut things for them again.

Good news though, that once the teeth start falling out, that means the body is getting ready for the permanent teeth to erupt. So, what does it mean when your child’s adult teeth are coming in discolored or yellow?

They’re New – Why Aren’t They White?

The quick answer here is: biology. The fact is, permanent teeth simply aren’t the same color as the milk teeth. This is all about the wondrous complexity of our human bodies at work here, folks. The outer shell of the tooth, the enamel, directly covers what is called the dentin of the tooth. The color of dentin is a darker, somewhat yellowish color. When these brand new permanent teeth erupt, the enamel coating is somewhat transparent thereby allowing the darker color of the dentin to show through. Furthermore, permanent teeth have more dentin and nerve canals that are larger in comparison to their baby teeth.

The juxtaposition of pearly white baby teeth next to newly erupted permanent teeth may also enhance the yellowed appearance. As more milk teeth fall out, and more permanent teeth erupt, the uniformity of color in their smile will return. Additionally, over time the permanent teeth will calcify which will also lighten their color.

This is the number one reason for darker looking permanent teeth in kids for the overwhelming majority. There are however, a few other potential causes which we’ll review:

  • Exposure to certain antibiotics

  • Thin enamel

  • stains or buildup

  • Injury or trauma

Other Potential Causes for Yellow Permanent Teeth

Tetracycline Side Effect

Every time you see or hear an advertisement for a medicine there’s a spiel at the end warning of potential side effects. Well, you can add teeth discoloration as a potential side effect to some antibiotics, specifically tetracycline.

Tetracycline will actually bond to the teeth (yes, even teeth that have not yet erupted). When these tetracycline-bonded teeth erupt, the component will oxidize thereby discoloring the teeth a yellowish color that can further darken to brown.

The good news for you here, is that this side effect is widely recognized among doctors. It is uncommon for a doctor to prescribe a pregnant woman or young child these types of antibiotics for this very reason. If you are concerned, there is no harm in asking your doctor about the potential side effects of a prescribed antibiotic.

Thin or Weak Enamel

Enamel is the body builder, the body guard, the security team, the shield of the teeth. It is by its very nature, solid. In fact, enamel is stronger than bone, stronger than any other part of our bodies. As is the case with human genetics however, some of us inherit a trait for thinner (weaker) enamel. If your dentist has told you that your tooth enamel is a bit thin or weak, it’s possible you’ve passed that trait on to your child. Thinner enamel means the darker color of dentin will better show through.

Stains or Buildup

Yellow teeth can also be a result of poor dental hygiene. Poor dental hygiene means plaque and tartar buildup which is often yellow and sometimes even brown. Moreover, certain drinks and foods can stain teeth. Soda, coffee, dark tea, energy drinks, sports drinks, and even tomato sauces, soy sauces, raspberries and blueberries.

You don’t have to avoid those foods or drinks completely (although soda really is terrible for your kids’ teeth) however try to consume in moderation, or be sure to follow consumption with drinking water.

Injury or Trauma

A fall or a blow to the jaw doesn’t always mean a cracked or knocked out tooth. Sometimes the tooth can be damaged but remain. If the blood vessels within the tooth or the nerve break or are damaged it can cause tooth discoloration as well.

Dental injuries are unfortunately common, and we strongly urge that all kids utilize mouth guards for any sports. For more information about mouth guards, check out our in-depth post, “April Awareness for Facial Protection and Oral Cancer”.

How Do I Treat My Child’s Discolored Teeth?

If after reading this article, you remain concerned about your child’s teeth discoloration, give us a call to schedule an appointment. Tartar and plaque buildup need to be addressed by a thorough cleaning because they will lead to tooth decay. Furthermore, if you believe your child has thin or weak enamel because you know someone in your family has it, it’s important to let us know so that we can discuss risk, and a plan for preventative care.

As always, brushing for two minutes twice a day is the most important routine you can establish for your child’s dental health. Wearing a mouth guard for sports, even sports that aren’t considered contact sports, will help protect from dental trauma injuries. Whitening or bleaching products for children may be available in your local drugstore, but we are reluctant to encourage their use.

The truth is, your permanent teeth were likely yellow when they erupted as well, but look at your smile now! Keep up with the brushing routines and don’t forget to get your kids in for their biannual checkup and cleaning before the year runs out. We have appointment times available now and are always accepting new patients.

Pediatric Dentistry Master List of FAQs for Kids Dental Health

Pediatric Dentistry Master List of FAQs for Kids Dental Health

We write regularly about parent tips for encouraging dental hygiene, healthy eating habits, and our pediatric dental services, and yet the sheer breadth of information on the topic of children’s teeth can seem rather overwhelming. Our staff answers individual questions from parents (and kids!) regularly, and you might be surprised to know that many of the questions bouncing around in your head, are frequently asked by others as well. With this in mind, we’ve put together a master list of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Pediatric Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)

When should I bring my child in for their first dental checkup?

We typically suggest you bring in your little one when their first tooth has erupted. This is generally between six to 12 months of age. If your baby is turning one year old and has yet to have their first tooth poke through, it’s time for a dental checkup, yes even without a tooth. For more in-depth information about this topic, check out our article.

How should I clean my baby’s teeth?

You can purchase a special infant toothbrush at most drugstores. The bristles should be soft and the head of the brush especially small to better fit their mouth. Brush twice a day, using a tiny amount of toothpaste (such as a grain of rice).

What is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a regular dentist?

Pediatric dentists complete two to three additional years of specialized training after dental school. This additional training focuses on the techniques and tools specifically designed for children’s comfort as well as training to encounter, understand, and address the developmental and emotional needs for infants to adolescents, including children with special needs. For more information, read this article.

Are pacifiers bad for my baby’s teeth?

Pacifiers and thumb sucking are natural soothing habits for babies and toddlers. They can become harmful if they persist beyond three years of age. Chat with your pediatric dentist if you have concerns.

How often should my kid visit the dentist?

Everyone, adults included, should have two dental checkups per year. Most insurances have transitioned to including coverage for two per year, as companies analyze the cost benefits of preventative care. Be sure you’re maximizing your dental insurance benefits before the year is out, for more information about this, read our in-depth article.

How do I prevent tooth decay from nursing or bottle rot?

Research shows that breast milk while containing sugar, does not cause tooth decay, however once your baby begins eating foods the potential for tooth decay will arise. Bottle rot is a common term that refers to tooth decay that is caused due to improper bottle feeding habits. Keep your baby’s access to their bottle limited, and never put juice in it. Even before your baby erupts their first tooth, you should gently wash their gums with a clean washcloth and water to scrub away any lingering bacteria. For more detailed information about how to avoid bottle rot, read our article, here.

Should my child get dental sealants?

Dental sealants are a preventative measure dentists use that we strongly recommend. The crevices and ridges in teeth, particularly the back molars are favorite spots for bacteria and food stuffs to linger. Additionally, those back teeth are more difficult for children to reach when they brush. The dental sealants literally seal a protective coat to the crevices of the teeth protecting them from tooth decay and making them less deep, and therefore easier to brush clean. For more information about dental sealants, read here.

Does my child need fluoride treatments?

Is your primary source of water treated with fluoride? Or do you typically drink store-bought bottled water? Most city and town water sources have been treated with fluoride, it’s in fact considered one of the greatest public health accomplishments in the last century. Check to be sure your toothpaste has fluoride. When your child comes in for a dental visit we can discuss whether your child is a good candidate for a fluoride treatment, or supplement. We know that some families find the topic of fluoride controversial, so if you have concerns please bring them to us so that we can discuss. You can also read more about fluoride treatments, here.

What do I do if my child chips a tooth or one is knocked out?

Retrieve the tooth (or piece of it), but avoid touching the root. Place the tooth in a sealed container with milk, and call your pediatric dentist for an emergency dental appointment right away. For more detailed guidance if you find yourself in this circumstance, we’ve written up several scenarios and step by step instructions for how to respond. You can find them, here.

Many of these instances occur due to injuries from sports activities. We strongly urge parents to invest in mouth guards for their children. Mouth guards are required for contact sports such as football, but research shows they are necessary for all sports activities. For more information about mouth guards, check out this article.

What do I do when my child has a toothache?

If your child complains of a toothache, it is likely to be a symptom of tooth decay. Have them rinse their mouth out with some room temperature salt water. You can give them an appropriate dosage of child’s acetaminophen to help with the pain, and an icepack for their cheek if the area is also swollen. You’ll also need to schedule a visit with your pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

Why does a cavity in a baby tooth need to be filled?

A cavity in a baby tooth needs to be treated not only to ease your child’s pain, but also because the decay in one tooth can spread into others when left untreated. We prefer not to pull a tooth in such a circumstance because our body’s natural inclination is for the baby tooth to fall out when it’s ready. Until then, the baby teeth serve to preserve the space for the permanent tooth, and help with chewing and proper speech.

Are dental X-rays safe?

As previously mentioned, pediatric dentists are specially trained to work with kids. We take special care to limit exposure, lead protective aprons are used as is high-speed film. X-rays are important for pediatric dentists to properly assess dental issues so that nothing is overlooked that could become a bigger problem later on.

Schedule Your Child’s Dental Appointment Today

Before you get caught up in the swing of the holidays, be sure to get your child’s second annual dental checkup and cleaning scheduled! Our offices in South Davis, Herriman, and Redwood are at your service. Give us a call today.

2021 Dental Insurance Benefits Expire Soon. Book Visit Today!

2021 Dental Insurance Benefits Expire Soon. Book Visit Today!

Moms and dads, holiday season is under way with the familiar scents and events as we pull out those gorgeous leafy decorations, pumpkins (pumpkin everything, really) costumes, and favorite movies, in addition to tissue boxes for sniffling noses and chapstick. Before you know it, Thanksgiving will arrive, and then it’s a frantic busy slide right into Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It’s a fun time of year full of family gatherings and events, yet it also means that your insurance benefits are coming close to a lapse.

Most insurance plans include coverage for dental services for all members of the family in question. You are paying those monthly premiums, however have you checked to see if you’re maximizing the dental insurance benefits in your plan? Some things to consider:

  • Has each child in your family had dental X-rays taken this year?
  • Has each child in your family had 2 dental cleanings this year?
  • Has one of your children complained about dental pain but you’ve forgotten about it in the everyday bustle of life?

Questions to Ask Your Dental Insurance Provider

  1. What is my copay?
  2. What is my maximum coverage amount per person in the family?
  3. Does my coverage include basic preventative care?
  4. Are X-rays covered?
  5. If yes, under what circumstances and/or with what frequency?
  6. Are dental cleanings covered?
  7. If yes, how many per year?
  8. Are fluoride treatments covered?
  9. If yes, are their age restrictions for fluoride treatments?
  10. What is my coverage for basic restorative care?
  11. Is basic restorative care covered up to a certain amount or is a percentage of it covered?
  12. What is considered basic restorative care in my plan?
  13. Is in-office sedation covered in my plan?

General Information About Dental Insurance

Basic preventative care typically covers two dental cleanings per year, some plans include a fluoride treatment at the cleaning appointment under the coverage, while others do not. Other insurance plans only cover fluoride treatments for certain ages.

Annual X-rays may be covered by your insurance, while yet other plans only cover them when deemed necessary by the dentist. Such circumstances when X-rays would be necessary would be in preparation for restorative work.

Some plans may cover mouth guards for children under preventative care but not all. Which is unfortunate due to the fact that we know dental injuries are common and preventable with the use of mouth guards when engaging in any type of sport activity!

Basic restorative care typically includes fillings, dental emergencies such as chipped or knocked loose teeth, as well as crowns or root canals. It’s important to ask your insurance questions about basic restorative care, due to the fact that while fillings are almost always covered, they might have restrictions on said coverage. For example, most people prefer composite fillings on the grounds that the composite material blends in with the color of the tooth so as to not be obvious. Some dental plans may only cover amalgam fillings, which are structurally sound but have the disadvantage of being metal in appearance and therefore not very discreet.

Partial Coverage for Restorative Dental Work

Don’t be surprised if you learn that your plan will only fully cover some basic preventative care services. It’s pretty common for restorative care to be partially covered. Partial coverage can mean that they’ll cover up to a certain amount in a year period for each member of your family (or in some cases a certain amount per family) while with other insurance providers, partial coverage means the insurance company will cover a percentage of restorative care services.

Furthermore, some insurances cover partial until a threshold is reached. Upon reaching that threshold, you may be entitled to full coverage again. Accordingly, if this is your circumstance, it’s important to find out how close to that threshold you are.

In-Office Sedation Services and Dental Coverage

When you are checking the details of your dental coverage with your insurance provider, it’s a good idea to ask for details about sedation. Our offices provide three different sedation options:

  • Oral Sedation – prescription sedatives for the night prior or the day of a procedure or visit, we may suggest and also implement if your child suffers dental anxiety or has developmental delays that may cause difficulties for dental procedures.
  • Nitrous Oxide – also referred to as “laughing gas” is most often utilized in conjunction with a local numbing agent for restorative dental procedures.
  • Intravenous Sedation – unlike general anesthesia utilized in hospitals by surgeons, our intravenous sedation technique does not inhibit the protective reflexes, which mainly means our patients under intravenous sedation can breathe on their own.

Any time we consider in-office sedation, we first review the options, the benefits, including the circumstances with the parents. If there is a concern for cost and/or insurance coverage, we will work with you and together we’ll find a solution.

Utah Pediatric Dentists Accepts Most Insurance

We work with most insurance companies, if you don’t find your provider on this list, give us a call to double check that your provider isn’t a new addition.

  • Aetna
  • Assurant/Sun Life Financial
  • Ameritas
  • Allegiance
  • Anthem BCBS
  • Regence BCBS
  • BCBS Federal
  • Blue Cross of Illinois (Blue Care)
  • Blue Cross of Michigan (Blue Dental)
  • Carrington
  • Cigna
  • Dental Select
  • DMBA
  • Dentist Direct/Direct Care Administrators
  • Dentamax
  • Delta Dental
  • EMI
  • GEHA – Connection Dental Network
  • Guardian
  • Humana – Connection Dental Network
  • Life Map
  • Lincoln Financial Group/Lincoln Dental Connect
  • Metlife
  • Traditional Medicaid
  • Medicaid Premier Access
  • Premier Access PPO
  • Premier Access Chip
  • PEHP
  • Principle – EMI Network
  • Standard Life Insurance/Reliance Standard
  • Select Health
  • Utah Sheet Metal/JAS/Southwest Service Administrators
  • United Concordia PPO
  • United Concordia Tricare/Active Duty
  • United Healthcare – GEHA/Connection Dental Network

Book an Appointment Right Away

Don’t wait for your dental benefits to expire! Some dental services require impressions that must be sent to a lab for production which means a time lag of at least a week. Schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist before the holiday season speeds up.

Disneyland Giveaway

We’re hosting a Disneyland Giveaway for one family this November, enter to win and that lucky family can be yours! We’ve established 12 different methods for you to enter the sweepstakes, moreover there’s no limit to your total number of entries. On November 15th, we’ll draw the name of one lucky family. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it was your name? For more information on how to enter, click here.

What Do You Do When Your Kid Breaks a Tooth?

What Do You Do When Your Kid Breaks a Tooth?

The enamel of our teeth is stronger than even our bones, it’s almost rock-like in fact. This serves us well in part, because unlike our bones which are protected by muscles, and skin, our teeth are out on display and put into direct contact with crunchy, chewy foods day in and day out. Also in contrast to our bones, our teeth cannot repair themselves. Although they are incredibly strong and damage resistant, our teeth can break, or chip.

How Does a Chipped or Broken Tooth Occur?

  1. When we use our teeth as tools – Unfortunately, people use their teeth to open objects, packages, bottles etc.
  2. Fall down – A fall can cause the jaw to snap shut harshly or to hit our jaw on some other object thereby causing the damage.
  3. Blows to the face such as from fights, sports, bicycle, or car accidents.
  4. Chewing ice or other especially tough foods could also cause chipping.
  5. Bruxism is another potential cause that is grinding and/or clenching your teeth in your sleep, or unconsciously when awake.

Reason number one is why every dentist will tell you that you should never use your teeth to open something. Even an object as harmless-seeming as plastic packaging.
Reasons number two and three are why we strongly advocate the use of mouthguards for kids when they go biking or play any sport, even if that sport isn’t considered a contact sport.
Reason number four is a little trickier, but we encourage you to avoid hard candies for your kids, and explain to your kids early on that chewing ice is harmful to their teeth before it can develop into a habit that is challenging to break.
Reason number five can be alleviated by the use of a mouth guard at night. For more information about mouthguards, check out our in-depth post on the topic titled, “Why Your Kids Should Use a Mouth Guard“.

Regardless of the reason, if your child chips or breaks a tooth you should call us immediately for a dental emergency appointment. We have four office locations in around Salt Lake City, and our pediatric dentists and hygienists are here to help.

What Can a Pediatric Dentist Do for a Chipped or Broken Tooth?

So, we’ve established that a broken or chipped tooth can’t repair itself, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options. We may recommend a bonding repair method, veneers, dental crowns, or a dental filling. The options depend on the severity of the chip or break, and the location of the damaged tooth. You might think having a chipped front tooth is the worst due to the fact that it’s impossible to hide. Nevertheless, a broken or chipped molar is often incredibly painful and more serious for the reason that your molars are vital to the chewing of your food.
More Information About the Repair Options
Bonding is exceedingly common for smaller chips or breaks. The dentist roughs up the area around the damage a bit and next, molds and a bond composite over the damaged spot. This bond composite is a color similar to that of the actual tooth so as to not be obvious. This repair method can last approximately ten years. In this process of restoration, we might be able to use the piece that broke off.
Veneers are a more expensive repair option and often are chosen because of their cosmetic appeal. Veneers are a porcelain cover for the outer face of the tooth. They can be applied to the nearby teeth as well to create a blended cosmetically appealing look. This is more typical in cases when a front tooth has been chipped.
We may recommend a dental crown when the chip or break is large. A dental crown is a two-step process. We start by doing a mold and then fitting a temporary crown, this will protect the vulnerable inner part of the tooth. The mold is then sent to a lab for a long-term crown to be created. At the second appointment, we remove the temporary crown and attach and seal the lab crown, which will also match the tooth in color. It’s important to note that a temporary crown will not be as strong as the lab-created. Avoid crunchy, chewy foods in the area of that tooth if possible.

What If You Have the Piece of Tooth that Broke Off?

Remember, don’t wait to call the dentist. You should call us for an emergency appointment, immediately. If you have a piece of the tooth, here is how to take care of it until you can get in to see us:

  1. 1. Submerge the piece of tooth in a container with milk, do not rinse it first with water.
  2. Rinse your child’s mouth out with warm water.
  3. Give them an ice pack for their jaw around the area to help with the pain.
  4. Come in to see us, and don’t forget to bring the chip in the milk container.

What If the Whole Tooth Is Knocked Out?

Call us immediately for an emergency dental appointment! Do not touch the root part of the tooth, pick it up by the crown (the part that sits above the gum line) and submerge it in a container with milk.
If the tooth that was knocked out is a permanent tooth but is whole and not chipped or broken, you can, depending on your child’s emotional state, place the tooth back into the vacated socket. That should only be done if you can manage it without touching the root if it won’t upset your child, and you are sure the tooth is not broken or chipped.
The longer a permanent tooth is outside of the socket the less likely it is to re-embed into the gum. If the thought of reinserting the tooth on your own is too overwhelming, don’t feel guilty. The key is to get it submerged quickly into milk so that it doesn’t have the chance to dry out before you can get in to the dentist’s office and we’ll take care of the rest.

Reminder of Caution

If your child has already chipped or broken a tooth once, no matter how skilled the restoration work is, that tooth is at a higher risk of chipping or breaking again. Take extra care to utilize mouth guards at night in case of bruxism, and during sports activities. Moreover, please, please, please, don’t crunch ice or use teeth to open packages, bottles, etc.

April Awareness for Facial Protection and Oral Cancer

April Awareness for Facial Protection and Oral Cancer

The month of April is a time of spring blossoms, of new life after the harsh cold has passed, sports activities taking us outside, and biannual dental checkups.  That’s right, your kids (and you!) should be having dental checkups two times per year. April is a great month to do it, because your sports calendars and vacation trips haven’t filled up the calendar yet, and our four locations are offering $25 gift cards for our patients when they have a dental appointment through the end of April.

April is National Facial Protection Month

We’ve shared our stance on the importance of mouth guards and facial protection for your kids and teens when they’re engaging in sports activities, and now is a perfect time to re-iterate its value.

Mouth injuries and head injuries are rather common in the spring months due to the uptick in outdoor sports activities and we’d prefer (as would you as parents!) not to have to reset a knocked-out tooth or fix a broken or chipped tooth for your kid if it can be avoided.

Facts About Mouth Guards

  • Over 20 million kids in the U.S. participate in sports every year.
  • Approximately 36% of unintentional injuries to kids occur due to sports activities.
  • Up to 20% of those injuries are maxillofacial.
  • If your child plays soccer they are more likely to incur a dental injury than if they play football.
  • Basketball is the leading sport in dental injuries.
  • Athletes who wear mouthguards are 82%-93% less likely to have a dental injury.

It should be noted we aren’t indicating that soccer and basketball are dangerous sports to be avoided, the point is that unlike in football, emphasis on facial protection (mouth guards) isn’t made in these sports, in spite of the fact that dental injuries do occur. Football players wear pads and helmets, and also mouth guards are required. Basketball and soccer players wear uniforms and special shoes, and shin guards for soccer, so why not spend the money to also protect their teeth as well?

Mouth Guard Options for Your Athletes in the Family

If we’ve convinced you that mouthguards are a good idea for your family athletes this spring, hooray! You have basically, three options moving forward. If your budget is your primary concern, you can look for stock mouth guards or “boil & bite” mouth guards in just about any sporting goods store. Stock mouth guards are going to come in standard sizes, but a boil and bite is generally a step up in price that will allow a more modified fit. The best protection is a custom mouthguard, and although it will cost more, it will undoubtedly be the most comfortable and provide the best protection. Ask us about a custom mouthguard when your kids come in for their next checkup and we’ll help you work through your options to find a good fit (pun intended) for your budget and your family.

April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Aside from the necessary benefits of routine dental checkups that serve as an important preventive measure to look for plaque, decay, and seek to maintain you and your child’s teeth in a state of cleanliness, routine dental checkups can serve as screenings for oral cancer detection as well.

Facts About Oral Cancer

  • Over 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year and 450,000 globally.
  • One death per hour can be attributed to oral cancer in the United States.
  • The death rate can be attributed due to the fact it is often diagnosed late in its progression.
  • A person who survives the first diagnosis of oral cancer is 20 times more likely to develop second cancer.
  • Approximately 90% of diagnosed oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas.
  • Previously, oral cancer was statistically more likely in men over 50 who drank and smoked tobacco. Unfortunately, it is occurring in the younger non-smoking generations as well due to the HPV16 virus.

Check Your Own Mouth and Your Kids’

The Oral Cancer Foundation (OCF) has created a public campaign for awareness encouraging civilians to “check their mouth” for signs and symptoms which include the following (cited directly from the OCF website):

“Signs and symptoms of oral cancer caused by tobacco usage and/or excessive alcohol usage may include one or more of the following:

  • Any sore or ulceration that does not heal within 14 days.
  • A red, white, or black discoloration of the soft tissues of the mouth.
  • Any abnormality that bleeds easily when touched.
  • A lump or hard spot in the tissue, usually the border of the tongue.
  • Tissue raised above that which surrounds it; a growth.
  • A sore under a denture, which even after adjustment of the denture, does not heal.
  • A lump or thickening that develops in the mouth.
  • A painless, firm, fixated lump felt on the outside of the neck, that has been there for at least two weeks.
  • All these symptoms have the commonality of being persistent and not resolving.”

“Signs and symptoms of HPV-caused oropharyngeal cancer persist longer than two-three weeks and may include one or more of the following:

  • Hoarseness or sore throat that does not resolve.
  • A painless, firm, fixated lump felt on the outside of the neck, which has been there for at least two weeks.
  • Constant coughing that does not resolve.
  • Difficulty swallowing; a sensation that food is getting caught in your throat.
  • An earache on one side (unilateral) that persists for more than a few days.
  • All of these symptoms have the commonality of being persistent and not resolving.”

Organize Dental Checkups for Your Athletes This April

Through the end of this month, we’re offering $25 gift cards for each patient who comes in for a dental checkup at any of our four locations. Don’t let the month pass you by, we can answer questions or concerns about oral cancer and facial protection, and be sure your kids’ teeth are happy and healthy this spring.