New Year, New Dental Benefits

New Year, New Dental Benefits

With a new year and new objectives on the horizon, it’s critical to ensure that your dental health is one of the top concerns on your list. Your dental benefits will have been renewed in January, so you can begin using your dental insurance! Whether you are taking routine care of your teeth or considering a larger surgery such as braces, your dental insurance will assist you in achieving these goals. Make 2023 the year of your best smile!

What’s Covered?

One significant advantage of the majority of dental insurance plans is that procedures such as dental cleanings, X-rays, oral exams, and fluoride treatments are entirely covered without the need to meet a deductible. This means you can begin caring for your teeth whenever you choose. Perhaps you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, so the start of a new year is an ideal opportunity for a basic dental checkup and cleaning.

A ‘basic procedure’ is the second sort of dental procedure. During a dental checkup, you may discover that you have a cavity that needs to be filled or that you require tooth extraction. When these types of cases occasionally happen,  most insurance policies will cover 70 to 80 percent after reaching your deductible.  Coinsurance and copays will also influence how much you pay out of pocket.

If you have a deductible to meet, going to the dentist for more routine maintenance will help you meet that deductible, allowing your insurance to cover any big procedures you may need. Furthermore, your dental coverage may be beneficial in the long run. If you didn’t have dental insurance and didn’t receive regular oral checkups, you might discover later that you have a few cavities that will take a few months and a lot of money to fix all at once. It’s critical to understand that most dental insurance policies cover you for a maximum of $1,000 – $2,000. So you could have a variety of procedures performed until your limit is met.

Most dental insurance policies or health insurance plans will allow you to add on orthodontic insurance to cover these costs and make corrective treatments more reasonable for you and your family in order to receive coverage for orthodontic treatment such as braces and other corrective solutions. If you are thinking about getting braces for your child or yourself, talk to your family or local orthodontists about different insurance options and what they recommend for your life and goals.

Consider Opening an FSA or HSA to Save Money on Taxes While Also Receiving Necessary Dental Care

Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts (FSAs and HSAs) allow you to deposit a specific amount of pre-tax money for use on medical expenses, including dental, during the calendar year.

FSAs are sponsored by employers and can only be utilized once per year, whereas HSAs can be started by an individual, and the amount rolls over to the next year. You can determine which account is appropriate for you.

Regardless of the plan you choose, the ability to spend pre-tax money on dental treatment can help you compound your savings if you also optimize your health insurance advantages!

Get Your Dental Work Done in One Year to Meet Your Deductible!

If your dental plan has a deductible, you are liable for all treatment costs until you reach your out-of-pocket maximum. This is usually around $50 for an individual and $150 for a family. This means that if you require dental work, you should schedule it all at once.

Once you’ve met your deductible, it’s up to your dental insurer to pay for your dental care until you reach your yearly maximum. If you combine numerous procedures such as fillings, crowns, or dentures, you may ensure that you use the full amount of your advantages within a given year!

Fit Your Appointments Into Your Schedule

January is the most convenient month to schedule a dental checkup. Why? One of the slowest times of the year for dental offices is the few weeks following the holidays. Because your dentist is seeing fewer patients, you have more flexibility in scheduling appointments. You’ll also have extra one-on-one time with your dentist to ask him or her questions.

Catch Dental Problems Early

Keeping your smile healthy is mainly a matter of prevention. Cavities do not normally hurt in the early stages, but your dentist can identify them during your visit. You’ll be able to get them treated before they ruin your day with a toothache. Furthermore, you may save money by treating cavities with fillings rather than waiting for the condition to worsen and require a more expensive procedure such as a root canal.

Start the New Year With a Fresh, Bright Smile!

You’re not alone if you’re self-conscious about your teeth. According to studies, four out of every five adults dislike their smiles. Your dentist is here to help! Cosmetic procedures, in addition to cleanings, can help you achieve your ideal smile. Whether your teeth are discolored, damaged, gapped, or misaligned, your dentist may help you feel more confident in 2023.

We care deeply about your oral health and will do everything in our power to help you keep a healthy, beautiful, and confident smile. Getting a dental checkup as soon as possible in the new year allows you plenty of time to set smile goals for the next 12 months. Our dentists also love working with children and helping to keep their oral health in tip top shape, so book an appointment with us for your child today! Make 2023 the year you and your loved ones finally get the dazzling, brilliant smiles you all deserve!

Contact us at 808-948-8880 to schedule your professional cleanings or treatments. We hope to see you in the new year!


Bad Breath in Kids and How to Get Rid of It

Bad Breath in Kids and How to Get Rid of It

You cuddle up with your child, and as they open their mouth, you discover their breath isn’t so fresh. You’re not the only parent dealing with it, whether this is the first time you’ve noticed your child has foul breath or it has been an issue for some time. In fact, 37.6% of the children who took part in a 2014 study that was published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene experienced halitosis (bad breath).

Let’s dive into the various reasons why this could be happening to your child, and what you can do about it.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Consider whether your child has regularly practiced proper oral hygiene up to this point, even though you might be brushing their teeth frequently because they have bad breath. Although it’s always a good idea to start brushing and flossing regularly, if your child already has plaque or tartar accumulation in their mouth from previous bad brushing practices, the damage may have already been done.

Scaling and root planing are procedures used by dentists to eliminate plaque and tartar. Brushing your teeth will not help you get rid of it. Food particles lodged between the teeth can harbor bacteria that cause cavities and tooth decay if not removed. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as well. Bacteria that cause odor connect to skin cells on the back of the tongue.

Food caught between the teeth can cause bad breath, but so can plaque and dental infections. Bad breath and decay can also be indicators of gum disease, so it’s crucial to get your child’s mouth checked by a dentist to see if more serious action is required.

Stinky Foods

Foods with strong odors are a primary cause of halitosis in children. The digestive process begins with the first bite, so garlic, cheese, onions, and other pungent foods begin to break down in the mouth first. resulting in a foul odor. Making matters worse, both garlic and onions contain sulfur compounds that remain in the mouth for hours before being absorbed into the circulation and released when your child exhales. Fortunately, this sort of halitosis is brief and does not signal a problem with your child’s oral health. Unfortunately, brushing will not entirely eliminate bad breath produced by sulfur-producing meals in a child, and you will have to wait it out.

Morning Breath

Morning breath is not only a common source of bad breath in teenagers and adults; it may also cause bad breath in infants and toddlers. This is because everyone, regardless of age or number of teeth, has odor-causing bacteria in their mouth. Because saliva production slows down during sleep, this bacterium is not rinsed away. When children wake up, their breath smells. Morning breath will go as soon as your child brushes their teeth and their saliva flow resumes.

Dental Issues Such as Infections, Cavities, or Loosened Restorations

If your child develops dental decay (a cavity), it implies the tooth is decaying, which doesn’t smell very good. Food is also more prone to become stuck in the broken portion of the tooth, worsening children’s bad breath. Because it is an infection, abscessed teeth and mouth sores can both create intense bad breath in children. If your child has a loose or cracked dental crown or filling, bacteria will build beneath the treatment, resulting in halitosis.

Dry Mouth

Xerostomia, or dry mouth, creates foul breath in children in the same manner as morning breath does. Because not enough saliva is generated, bacteria and food particles are not rinsed away, and the mouth begins to stink. While morning breath fades quickly, dry mouth can persist when caused by a medical condition or medication. If dry mouth is caused by dehydration, having your child drink extra water is a simple foul breath treatment.

Gum Disease

Gum disease can affect children as well. The bacteria and toxins in plaque can cause the gums to become inflamed and infected if soft plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) build up around and under the gum line and in between the teeth (gingivitis). Infection never smells nice, which is why recurring foul breath is a hallmark of gum disease in children.

Breathing Through the Mouth

Mouth breathing promotes foul breath in toddlers and children because it produces dry mouth, which is related with stinky breath, as we’ve discovered. If your child is breathing through their mouth due to a congested nose, the halitosis should be temporary and will disappear after the congestion has dissipated. Mouth breathing in youngsters can also be a habit that causes not just foul breath but also orthodontic concerns that must be addressed. If found early, it can be reversed, so if you suspect your child’s bad breath is caused by persistent mouth breathing, have it tested.

Sinus Infection

In babies, toddlers, and people of all ages, sinus infections can produce bad breath. Mucus frequently drips down the back of the neck and settles on the tongue. When bacteria feed on the gunk, they emit foul-smelling gases.

Big Tonsils

If your child’s tonsils have deep pits or are prominent, oral and nasal secretions, food debris, and bacteria can become stuck. Tonsil stones (tonsilloliths) may also form in the pits and emit a foul odor when they decompose.

Other Health Conditions

Diabetes, thrush, infections (including the sinus infection mentioned above), gastroesophageal reflux, and, in rare cases, liver or kidney disorders can all cause foul breath in children. Bad breath in babies and children does not necessarily indicate that something is wrong with your child, but if the dentist has ruled out other causes of halitosis, it wouldn’t hurt to see your pediatrician.

Give us a call today at 801-948-8880 and book an appointment for your child. Our offices are child-friendly and our dentists are dedicated to your child’s oral health, so you know they are getting the best service and treatment they deserve. We hope to see you soon!

How Nutrition Affects Your Child’s Oral Health

How Nutrition Affects Your Child’s Oral Health

Have you ever thought about how your child’s eating habits could affect their dental health? We may not see the relationship between the two right away, but they are actually very dependent on one another. Just like your body requires a certain amount of vitamins and minerals each day to stay healthy, so do your teeth. To prevent tooth decay and other dental issues, children need to consume a balanced diet. All food groups are part of a balanced diet, and making smart decisions helps maintain good oral health.

As a parent, you want to make sure your kids are eating healthy, getting exercise, and doing well in school. Not only are there foods that your child should avoid, but there are also many foods that make a kid’s teeth stronger and more resistant to dental problems. Tooth decay is the most common disease among children, so providing a good diet in addition to great oral health habits like brushing and flossing goes a long way.

What relationship exists between a child’s dental health and nutrition?

According to experts, children require food from all of the major food groups to develop normally and maintain good health. Too many carbohydrates, sugars (found in things like cake, cookies, candy, milk, fruit juice, and other sweet foods and drinks), and salty foods and starches (like pretzels and potato chips) can all lead to tooth decay. The key factor causing tooth decay is how long carbohydrates stay on the teeth.

Here are some recommendations for selecting foods that are better for your child’s teeth:

  • Keep fresh produce around the house to serve as “healthy snacks” in place of processed foods. Pick produce that is high in water content, such as cucumbers, melons, pears, and celery. Bananas and raisins should be limited because they contain high sugar content. After eating these fruits, immediately brush your teeth.
  • Serve cheese as a snack or with lunch. Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Swiss, and other aged cheeses, in particular, encourage salivation, which helps remove food residue off teeth.
  • Avoid chewy, sticky foods. It is challenging for saliva to wash away foods that stick to teeth, such as raisins, dried figs, granola bars, oatmeal or peanut butter cookies, jelly beans, caramel, honey, molasses, and syrup. If your child eats these kinds of foods, encourage them to brush their teeth right away.
  • Serve sweets with meals rather than as snacks. If you’re going to give your kid any treats, serve them as dessert right after the meal. Around mealtimes, saliva production often increases, making it simpler to wash food from teeth. The liquid consumed during meals aids in cleaning off food residue from the teeth.
  • Encourage your kids to eat as few snacks as possible. More significant than the amount eaten is how often you snack. Saliva can wash away food particles that bacteria would otherwise eat if there is a gap in between meals. Regular munching without immediately brushing afterward gives bacteria constant fuel, which promotes plaque formation and dental decay. Try to keep the number of snacks you eat every day to no more than one or two. If at all possible, brush your teeth right away after eating the snack.
  • Eat less sugary food, so it doesn’t stick to your teeth. Because they continually cover the teeth with sugar, and avoid or limit gum, mints, hard candies, and cough drops, all of which promote tooth decay.

Buy sugar-free or unsweetened foods.

Never give your infant a bottle of milk, formula, juice, or soda to drink before bed. If your child needs a bottle before bed, fill it with just water.

Instead of giving your child juice or soda, give them pure water. Sugar is present in milk, drinks, and juices. Water helps wash away any food particles that might be stuck to the teeth and is safe for the teeth.

To help them develop strong teeth, provide calcium-rich foods in your child’s diet. Yogurt, broccoli, and milk are all excellent sources.

If your youngster chews gum, pick sugar-free or xylitol-sweetened varieties. Bacteria in the mouth have been demonstrated to decrease when xylitol is consumed, and chewing increases saliva production.

Some Tips on Brushing and Visiting the Dentist

  • Brush and floss your child’s teeth, and use fluoride. After age two or after your child can spit out and not swallow toothpaste, using a fluoride toothpaste every day is the best way to avoid tooth decay. Early deterioration is reversed by fluoride. Fluoride administration remineralizes the surface after the tooth has developed. This entails supplying the teeth with minerals again. Minerals support tooth strength, which helps ward off tooth decay. If feasible, brush your child’s teeth at least twice daily and after every meal or snack. If brushing is not an option, at least repeatedly rinse your mouth with water. To help get debris out from between the teeth and below the gum line, floss your child’s teeth at least once a day.
  • After giving your child medicine, remember to brush his or her teeth. Cough syrups and other medications include sugar, which oral bacteria use to produce acids. The enamel, the tooth’s outermost layer of protection, can be destroyed by these acids.
  • Regularly visit the dentist. By the age of one or within six months of the first tooth breaking through the gums, your child should visit the dentist for the first time. Regular dental checks will also aid in early detection of any growing dental issues.

Taking care of your child’s nutrition as well as dental health and all the other things you must think about as a parent can be overwhelming. Still, it’s well worth the effort when your child grows into a healthy young adult with a brilliant and healthy smile as well as a healthy body. We only want what’s best for our children, and starting young is the safest and surest way to ensure we are doing all we can for them. Kids love sweets, but as parents, we need to make sure we are limiting their sugar intake and brushing their teeth frequently to avoid the buildup of plaque and acids that can ruin those little pearls.

Please book a dental appointment with us today, and let us make sure your child’s teeth are well taken care of.

Use ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em: Don’t Lose Your 2022 Dental Benefits!

Use ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em: Don’t Lose Your 2022 Dental Benefits!

As we near the end of 2022, it’s a great time to get some last-minute dental checkups and make sure your mouth is ending the year in good shape too. A lot of Americans don’t realize that once that clock hits 12 o’clock midnight on December 31st, your dental insurance resets and you lose out on any insurance benefits you still had left. Keep in mind that your benefits don’t carry over to the next year, so if they expire, you’ve wasted all of your money paying premiums to the insurance provider. Not to mention that every year, the cost of all services, including dental care, is subject to inflation. This leaves many feeling like they missed out on much-needed dental care they could have used if only they knew how the system worked.

Even if you don’t require any dental work, why not schedule a dental checkup or cleaning? Your oral and general health depends on preventive dental care. Your dentist can spot dental problems early on during these routine visits before they can get worse. Early detection of dental problems may wind up saving you time and money. Everyone can benefit from a dental cleaning, so if using your plan to its fullest before January 1st involves making an appointment for one, so be it!

Considerations for Dental Insurance Coverage

Here are some factors that will motivate you to maximize your insurance coverage in 2022:

  • Preventive Care: The majority of health policies provide two free appointments for services like cleanings and exams. You still have time to make an appointment if you haven’t had both checkups this year.
  • Annual Maximum: Dental insurance policies frequently have a yearly maximum they are prepared to cover within a given calendar year. Although the exact sum varies, it is typically close to $1,000 per person. Since these unused benefits don’t carry over into the next year, it makes sense to use them if you require any restorative procedures.
  • Monthly Premiums: Regardless of how often you use the insurance plan, you must always pay a monthly fee. Don’t throw away the money you worked so hard for! Even if you don’t require dental care, it’s still crucial to maintain your monthly exam schedule.
  • Healthy Smile: Being proactive with preventive dental care is the cornerstone of a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. We will examine the condition of your teeth and gums at each of your routine cleanings. If early indications of gum disease, cavities, or other dental issues are found, we can then provide recommendations.
  • Dental Issues: If you are currently experiencing any dental problems that need to be treated, don’t put it off. Waiting to consult a dentist puts you at risk for a future procedure that is more extensive and costly. A little cavity is simple to heal right now, but if you don’t take care of it, it could develop into a root canal in the future.

Dental Recare Treatment

Suppose you have recently had any kind of dental treatment done like a root canal, cavity removal, wisdom tooth removal, or any type of treatment at all. In that case, recare appointments are essential in order for your dentist to observe and ensure that no infections or further damage are being done to your teeth/gums. As part of a treatment plan or after receiving dental care, dental recare procedures entail careful supervision of your oral health. Your dentist will examine you for any potential issues and perform any necessary remedies during these dental sessions. To ensure that you are recovering well, observations are also made on how your gums, teeth, and jawbones are mending. These recare appointments can be six months or even longer after you have had your treatment done, so there is no better time to have your practitioner take a look at your oral health once more before the year ends.

The American Dental Association pushes dentists to remind their patients about recare appointments, so if your dentist has been reminding you to come in for a recare session, we recommend you take them up on it and get everything checked out.

Why are Recare Sessions so Important?

As long as disease-causing bacteria are present, complications with dental procedures are possible. A dentist must regularly examine medical and dental issues to make sure they are being effectively addressed.

Recall or recare appointments that are skipped could result in worse dental issues, such as an infection spreading to other areas of the face and body. Neglect can occasionally result in potentially fatal illnesses like sepsis.

If you have periodontal disease, just had braces put in, or had root canal therapy, it’s crucial that you go in for a recare appointment as a lot can go wrong if you don’t. In cases like these, simply practicing good oral hygiene isn’t always enough. Missing or skipping a dental cleaning and braces adjustment could make your treatment plan take longer. Plaque accumulation in difficult-to-reach areas between the wires and your teeth can also cause tooth decay to advance. Now that most dental offices are open, schedule an appointment to prevent having your braces treatment extended.

Below the surface, a lot may happen to our teeth and gums. You can check your dental health and safeguard your overall health by keeping your recare appointments on time. The American Dental Association stresses the value of regular dental checkups during the pandemic. Dental procedures like cleanings and other oral interventions are essential for preserving our overall health. Your immune system, which protects you from viral infections like COVID-19, can be impacted by any illness that develops in your mouth.

It can be challenging to fit it all in with the approaching holiday season. We know how hectic your schedule can become, but this is a fantastic chance to put your health first. Call our office right away so we can book an appointment that works well with your busy schedule.

A Timeline of Your Child’s Dental Milestones

A Timeline of Your Child’s Dental Milestones

When they are young, children go through various developmental milestones. Some days, it seems like time moves very slowly when you’re a tired parent balancing so many duties. Other days, it seems as though your child is suddenly growing up way too fast for your liking, and you long for time to go slower in these situations. Children experience so many major life milestones! Have you ever thought about all the dental milestones that children can reach? How about what to expect? The specific timing for each child varies. However, the majority of kids should reach the following dental milestones:

Birth to One Year: Eruption of Baby Teeth

You might not be aware of it, but your baby’s primary teeth are starting to form in her jaw even before her first tooth erupts. By the time they turn one, most babies’ first teeth should start to erupt. The two bottom teeth are often the first to erupt.

Teething episodes can be difficult, but they can also be exciting since they show your baby is developing. Their new teeth will provide them access to a larger variety of foods and, eventually, facilitate verbal communication.

Age 1 – 3 Years: First Dental Visit

Your child’s teeth will be actively erupting throughout this time, and by the time she is three, her mouth will be completely filled with baby teeth. Now is the ideal time to schedule a dental appointment for your child if you haven’t already. Keep in mind that baby teeth do matter! They will help with speech development and hold space for the permanent teeth.

Your child should have a complete set of 20 baby teeth by the age of three, including four central incisors, four lateral incisors, four canines, and eight molars. But, well before this time, you can assist kids in developing healthy oral hygiene practices!

As soon as any teeth appear, begin daily brushing with a child’s toothbrush and toothpaste. Additionally, you can floss between their teeth daily. By doing this from an early age, they can become accustomed to and at ease with regular dental hygiene!

Age 5 or 6: First Tooth Lost

The next significant dental milestone is the loss of baby teeth and the emergence of permanent teeth. This is referred to as “mixed dentition” by your dentist. Around the age of five or six, it occurs. Your child will typically need six years to lose all of her baby teeth before her last set of adult teeth erupts (except the wisdom teeth). As a parent, you must constantly check on your kid to make sure she is cleaning her teeth at least twice a day. Encourage her and make sure it’s enjoyable for her instead of feeling like a job. Additionally, your child should now go twice a year for checkups and preventative treatment at the dentist.

Baby teeth that are lost will be replaced with adult teeth. Because the gums already have room for teeth to grow, this might occasionally cause some pain and discomfort, though not nearly as much as when they were still developing their baby teeth.

Age 12 to 13: Molar Eruption

All of your child’s typical adult teeth erupt around the age of 12 or 13, along with the 12-year molars. This time, there can be dental problems that require care, like overlap, crowding, or a bad bite. Braces may be required for your child’s treatment. Most children acquire braces between the ages of 12 and 13, but some dentists may advise an orthodontic evaluation as early as 7. Teenagers are well known for having poor eating habits. Your child may be able to understand how crucial good dental health is to their overall health as they approach this age. Strive to teach children this connection as a parent.

Age 13+: Wisdom Teeth

Most teenagers’ jaws won’t have enough room for their third teeth to erupt. In this case, they might need to be extracted in order to prevent issues down the road such as infection, pain, and movement of neighboring teeth. You may be referred to an oral surgeon by your dentist. Your child’s orthodontist will monitor these teeth if he or she has worn braces by obtaining specialized x-rays. The orthodontist may execute the procedure himself if he is qualified. However, some fortunate patients never develop wisdom teeth or never require removal.

Your child should have 28 adult teeth by the time they are 12 or 13 years old, including four central incisors, four lateral incisors, four canines, eight premolars, and eight molars. They may still have 1-4 wisdom teeth, which are extra molars that erupt between the ages of 17 and 26.

By regularly brushing and flossing their teeth, drinking lots of water, eating a balanced diet, and coming to our clinic for regular professional cleanings, they may maintain excellent oral health. If your child participates in sports, they should wear a sports mouthguard to protect their teeth.

There are a number of developmental dental milestones that children will experience throughout their childhood up until their young adult lives. They will develop baby teeth, lose them, then grow adult teeth, possibly requiring wisdom tooth extraction. Children should visit a dentist for a checkup at least once a year, regardless of their dental health or stage of development.

We take great pride in serving patients of all ages, including children, in our many offices. Remember that kids might accomplish their dental milestones earlier or later than the listed ages and still have fantastic oral health! Please get in touch with us right away if you have any concerns about your child’s dental development or inquiries about our services.